Update Release BadgeMaker 2.11.9


BadgeMaker 2.11.9 bevat enkele belangrijke fixes en verbeteringen om uw ervaring met onze software te verbeteren.

Hoogtepunten van BadgeMaker 2.11.9:

  • Opgelost probleem: Gegevens uit externe databases worden nu correct afgedrukt bij het gebruik van een child-process (Magicard-printers).
  • Opgelost probleem: Een probleem met de invoer/uitvoer van kaarten bij Matica MC210-printers is opgelost.

Naast de fixes willen we ook een nieuwe functie benadrukken:

  • Nieuwe functie: BadgeMaker ondersteunt nu de import van gegevens en base64-gecodeerde afbeeldingen rechtstreeks uit XML-bestanden. Deze functie biedt u meer flexibiliteit en gemak bij het importeren van gegevens en afbeeldingen in uw BadgeMaker-projecten, waardoor uw workflow wordt gestroomlijnd en u waardevolle tijd bespaart.

Om van deze nieuwe functie te profiteren, raden wij u aan uw BadgeMaker-software te updaten naar versie 2.11.9. U kunt dit doen door naar onze downloadpagina te gaan, waar u de nieuwste versie vindt.

ScreenCheck doet er alles aan om u te ondersteunen bij het optimaal benutten van onze producten. Neem contact met ons op als u vragen heeft over deze release.


* Added the ability to import data and base64-encoded images from XML files.Fixed issues
* Fixed that data from external databases wouldn’t be printed when using a child-process (Magicard printers).
* Fixed a Matica MC210 card feeding/output problem.


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Update Release BadgeMaker 2.11.5


BadgeMaker version 2.11.5, the latest update of our card personalization software. This update has a primary focus on extending compatibility and ensuring that your card production process continues to be smooth and more efficient.

1. Mifare Plus Support for Elatec TWN4 Card Readers: This update supports Mifare Plus, specifically tailored for Elatec TWN4 card readers. This addition enhances the flexibility and functionality of BadgeMaker, ensuring more compatibility in card reading.

To take advantage of this new feature, we recommend updating your BadgeMaker software to version 2.11.5. You can do this by visiting our Download Page, where you’ll find the latest version.

ScreenCheck is committed to supporting you in getting the most out of our products. Please contact us if you have any questions about this release.


Features* Added Mifare Plus Support for Elatec TWN4 Card Readers


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Update Release BadgeMaker 2.11.4


The release of BadgeMaker version 2.11.4, a small update that resolves several issues to enhance your experience with our software. Here’s what you can expect from this release:

License Key Reactivation: We’ve fixed an issue where previously deactivated license keys could not be reactivated. Now, you can easily manage and reactivate your license keys as needed, providing greater flexibility for your operations.

Barcode Element Printing: In certain cases, placing a card serial number in a barcode element would lead to printing failures. We’ve addressed this issue to ensure that your card printing processes run smoothly.

Magicard Printer Compatibility: Printing with specific Magicard printers encountered challenges, either due to accidental 32-bit child-process execution or communication issues. This update resolves these problems, ensuring seamless printing with Magicard printers.

MS SQL Server Table Discovery: We fixed an issue related to the discovery of MS SQL Server tables, which previously failed due to a schema and tablename mix-up.

We recommend all BadgeMaker users to update to version 2.11.4 to benefit from these fixes and improvements.

ScreenCheck is committed to supporting you in getting the most out of our products. Please contact us if you have any questions about this release.


Fixes* Fixed that a previously deactivated license key could not be reactivated.
* Fixed that putting a card serial number in a barcode element would cause printing to fail in certain cases.
* Fixed an issue where printing with certain Magicard printers would fail due to a child-process accidentally running in 32-bit, or due to communication issues.
* Fixed an issue where discovering MS SQL Server tables would fail due to a schema and tablename mix-up.

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Release BadgeMaker 2.11


BadgeMaker 2.11 offers a new feature and a selection of improvements to enhance your card design and management experience. When creating a new record in BadgeMaker Identity, it is now possible to also select and link the record to one of the card designs available in your project. Making the enrollment process of a new cardholder faster.

Add a new record and link a card design

Signature toolThe 2.11 release also comes with improvements to the signature tool, added an image processing mode for signature images that treats white backgrounds as transparent, the installer and external database passwords will now be stored in encrypted form.

ScreenCheck is committed to supporting you in getting the most out of our products. Please contact us if you have any questions about the upcoming release.


BadgeMaker Identity:New features* Added the ability to select a card-design when creating a new record manually.

Improvements* Installation type (all users versus single user) can now be chosen explicitly.* Uninstalling will now automatically remove the current license key, freeing up a slot for another machine.* External database passwords will now be stored in encrypted form.* Updated the file/folder selection dialogs in the data source and image source configuration views.* Added support for the ‘utf8mb3’ MySQL character set.

Fixes* Fixed that the example projects were overwritten when installing an update.* Fixed that running with admin rights would create log files that could not be written to when running without admin rights.* Fixed that MS SQL Server tables in non-default schemas could not be used.* Fixed that filtering on TEXT/NTEXT columns in MS SQL Server databases would fail.* Fixed an issue where record data would not be loaded after reopening a project.* Fixed that quick-updating a card design would ignore 2D barcode encryption key changes.* Fixed that 2D barcode encryption key IDs were not used as expected.* Fixed that switching to the designer and the store didn’t work for single-user installations.* Fixed that uninstalling would fail without an activated license key.* Fixed a regression in the add-record window.* Fixed that the UHF reader slot wasn’t available if the normal card-reader check failed.* Fixed that switching to the designer and the store didn’t work for single-user installations.BadgeMaker Design:New features* Added an image processing mode for signature images that treats white as transparent.Improvements* Installation type (all users versus single user) can now be chosen explicitly.* Uninstalling will now automatically remove the current license key, freeing up a slot for another machine.Fixes* Fixed that the example designs were overwritten when installing an update.* Fixed that running with admin rights would create log files that could not be written to when running without admin rights.* Fixed that switching to the designer and the store didn’t work for single-user installations.* Fixed that uninstalling would fail without an activated license key.

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Release BadgeMaker 2.10


Release BadgeMaker 2.10 brings an updated User Interface for BadgeMaker Identity, offering an efficient new quick menu and improved look for the card designs overview in your project. With the 2.10 release also comes the support for the Dascom DC-7600 printer, Oracle service names, the Data Card XPS Luster ribbons, the needed fixes and some nice improvements. 

BadgeMaker 2.10

The “Card designs” tab shows an overview of the designs added and/or linked to your project. The new link icon allows you to link one or more selected records to this card design. It is also possible to unlink records with the unlink icon in the top right corner of the selected card design. Select a record and click on the “Preview card design” tab to see a preview of the card design linked to the record.

The warning icon lets you know an action is needed for this card design. Click on the card design to see which actions are needed. An action can be that an update is available for the design for example.

Update Card design BadgeMakerUpdate a card design using the update icon in the quick menu.

Go to Card Designs settings BadgeMakerThe card design icon gives a quick navigation to the card design settings of the selected card.

Go to Encode settings BadgeMakerWith the encode icon you can quickly navigate to the encode settings of the selected card. If a card design does not have encoding, the icon will be greyed out.


New features
* Updated the card design preview panel with more information.
* Added support for Dascom DC-7600 printers.
* Added support for Oracle service names.
* Added support for Luster ribbons for Datacard XPS printers.

* Added a note about support for ODBC being retracted.
* Options list values are now sorted alphabetically.
* Improved card design preview panel error reporting.
* Lowercase magstripe data is now automatically converted to uppercase, instead of causing an encoding failure.

* Fixed that Zebra ZXP 7, 8 and 9 didn’t properly handle specialty ribbons when printing without encoding.
* Fixed that the contact slots of some Omnikey 5022 and 5027 models were recognized as contactless.
* Fixed that importing data into a Connect project would sometimes fail for certain records.
* Fixed that Example Project 1 contained a bad initial auto-increment counter value.
* Fixed that deleting biometric images would not work in certain projects.
* Fixed that Omnikey 5022 and 5027 were not recognized as contactless card-readers.
* Fixed the printer implementation preference configuration system.
* Fixed that creating empty backup files on a Desfire card would fail.
* Fixed that several operations (linking card designs, loading/deleting records, etc.) could fail with large numbers of records.
* Fixed that record data could not be loaded in Connect projects.

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Release BadgeMaker 2.9

BadgeMaker Release 2.9

To allow for a quick search and (re)encoding of ID cards, the new BadgeMaker 2.9 release introduces stand-alone encoding.
The new stand-alone encoding feature is available with the Encode Add-On or BadgeMaker Pro.

Stand-alone encoding in BadgeMakerIt allows the operator to present a new or unencoded card to an external card reader, do a quick search, select a record and encode the needed information directly to the card. Presenting a card that has previously been encoded will automatically select the corresponding record and gives the operator the option to update the card with the latest information or wipe the card if so desired.

BadgeMaker mulit color gradientsNext to the stand-alone encoding we made the Italian language available for BadgeMaker users and added the option to create multi-color radial and linear gradients in BadgeMaker Design.

BadgeMaker gradient settingsTo create a gradient background color, click on a specific element, for example a shape-element created for the background of the card design and go to the “Style” Tab in the Element properties. Select if you would like a linear or radial gradient, the angle of the gradient and add multiple colors with the “+” button.




With the 2.9 release also come the needed fixes and some nice improvements for the user interface. Adding card designs to your project shows a better preview for example.

Release Notes

New features
* Added support for stand-alone encoding.
* Added Italian translation.
* Added support for linear and radial gradient background colors in card designs.
* Added support for the Fargo DTC4500e

* Improved error handling when creating a new project from an Excel or csv file.
* Improved project settings UI.

* Fixed a problem with webcam capturing not working on certain systems.
* Fixed that constant values in triggers weren’t validated.
* Fixed that HF readers in ZC printers were not resolved correctly, preventing encoding.
* Fixed that UHF encoding would be skipped for CCIs that only contained data for the EPC bank.
* Fixed that JPEG EXIF orientation meta-data was being ignored.
* Fixed a rare licensing check issue, where license keys were erroneously seen as disabled.
* Fixed a BCD encoding problem for UHF chip configurations.
* Fixed an error that occurred with certain Oracle databases (ORA-64219: invalid LOB locator encountered).
* Fixed that the installer didn’t run the Elatec driver installer when enabled.
* Fixed several rare crashes based on telemetry crash reports.
* Fixed that Codabar patterns for B and C were swapped, and that the + pattern was incorrect.
* Fixed that date formats didn’t have an effect in Mifare Classic CCIs.
* Fixed a rare IDP Solid print failure when printing colored text.

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Release BadgeMaker 2.8

BadgeMaker Release 2.8

ScreenCheck is pleased to announce the new release of BadgeMaker version 2.8. The new release will be made availabe for download today on this website. Our existing BadgeMaker customers will also receive a request to update to the 2.8 version when they start their Badgemaker Software.

BadgeMaker BaseThe BadgeMaker 2.8 release offers, besides the improvement of existing functionalities, an extension of the encoding functionalities, which now also includes support for Prox, iClass and UHF Gen2 cards.

Badgemaker Premium Projects

In addition to the encoding extension, you can now also shop in the BadgeMaker 2.8 Store. Select, pay and download new premium card designs and projects in BadgeMaker. The Store is now available in both BadgeMaker Design and BadgeMaker Identity. A product from the Store, such as a downloaded project, is automatically opened in BadgeMaker Identity and a card design in BadgeMaker Design.

ScreenCheck is committed to supporting you in getting the most out of our products.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the new release.

View the Badgemaker 2.8 release notes for more information, such as the improvements of certain functionalities.



New features for BadgeMaker Identity

  • Added a menu link to the BadgeMaker store.
  • Added support for MySQL 8 databases.
  • Added support for prox-card card number reading.
  • Added a new trigger type: setting card number (PACS).
  • Added support for CX-7600 printers.
  • Added support for UHF Gen2 card encoding with Zebra ZXP7 printers.
  • Added support for UHF Gen2 card encoding with ThingMagic readers.
  • Added support for iCLASS encoding with Omnikey readers (card number reading only).
  • Added support for iCLASS card number reading with Elatec TWN4 and Omnikey 5×22 and 5×27 readers.
  • Added support for Elatec TWN4 readers with Magicard firmware.
  • Added support for 64-bit MS Access runtimes.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Identity

  • Printing will now fall back to default printer settings if user-specific settings cannot be obtained.
  • Improved detection of printer status.
  • Updated Matica XID 8300 support to work with the latest EDIsecure drivers.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Identity

  • BadgeMaker can now be closed, even when there are pending print jobs.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented printing with Zebra ZC network printers.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented printing with Evolis Avansia printers.
  • Fixed that the configuration file would be ignored under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a problem where invalid triggers could prevent project settings from being saved.
  • Fixed a querying problem with certain MS SQL Server databases.
  • Fixed a problem with Telepen numerical packing.
  • Fixed a Mifare Classic/Plus MAD v2 encoding bug.
  • Fixed a text layout bug with cursive and abugida scripts (such as Arabic, Hindi).
  • Fixed a problem with IDP Solid printers printing colored text as black text.

New features for BadgeMaker Design

  • Added support for designs with a right-to-left write direction.
  • Added a file encoding setting to the BadgeCreator importer.
  • Added a new stretch mode for images, and added stretch mode support for passport photo and signature elements.
  • Added a new dynamic field format that enables the use of certain control characters in barcodes.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Design

  • Updated the BadgeMaker store.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Design

  • Fixed that a fixed aspect ratio wasn’t applied correctly to elements with a border.
  • Fixed an element snapping bug in portrait designs.
  • Fixed that magstripe elements were not editable in single-sided designs.
  • Fixed that magstripe elements were not editable in single-sided designs.
  • Fixed that fonts that were only installed for the current user weren’t listed.
  • Fixed that the BadgeCreator importer didn’t import barcode colors.
  • Fixed a text layout bug with cursive and abugida scripts (such as Arabic, Hindi).
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Release BadgeMaker 2.7

ID Card Software

ScreenCheck is excited to inform you about the release of BadgeMaker 2.7 ID Card Software with improvements, fixes and a great new feature in BadgeMaker Design, called the “Store”. The Store offers a selection of free Card Design templates to select and download; in the future the store will expand.

ID Card Software BadgeMaker Store

The Store

Start BadgeMaker Design 2.7 to access our new feature called the “Store“. The Store is a new option in the main menu that opens an online store within the software. BadgeMaker 2.7 lets you shop for a selection of free Card Design template bundles.

Browse the Store to select and download one of the Card Design template bundles to start with. You can find your selected Card Design templates in “My Items”. Select one, get inspired and adjust the card design template to your own liking.

The main changes for BadgeMaker 2.7

ID Card Software BadgeMaker Start

  • Trial key is set to try the BadgeMaker PRO within 14 days
  • – The FREE version BadgeMaker PLAY is adjusted and now available:
    • – 3 card designs & 1 project
    • – add a maximum of 25 records
    • – print credit of max. 5 prints per day
  • BadgeMaker START will be lowered in price to € 95,- MSRP
  • – The Store in BadgeMaker Design to download card designs.
  • – Updated existing languages and added a new language: Turkish
  • – In BadgeMaker Design you can now enter text immediately in the text element on the canvas after creating the new text element.
  • – Contactless encoding for the HDP6600 card printer is now supported.
  • – A great selection of fixes & improvements
ScreenCheck is dedicated to support you in getting the most out of our products. Please contact us if you have any questions about this release.





BadgeMaker Trial key is set to try for 14 days
Turkish translation for BadgeMaker Design & Identity
BadgeMaker PLAY is adjusted to 25 records and a printlimit of 5 prints per day

New features for BadgeMaker Identity
Added support for contactless encoding for the Fargo HDP6600 printer.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Identity
The data import process can now be canceled.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Identity
Fixed that BadgeMaker demo license information was not displayed correctly.
Fixed an issue where all text for a specific font was rendered bold.
Fixed temporary fonts not being deleted correctly.
Fixed that card designs where not updatable in BadgeMaker Share.
Fixed an error with card designs that do not contain any fonts.
Fixed undo/redo behavior when adding biometric images.
Fixed a bug where quick print would not work with a newly connected printer.

New features for BadgeMaker Design
Added an online Store where a selection of card design templates can be downloaded and used.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Design
You can now enter text immediately in the text element on the canvas after creating the new text element.
Copy and pasting elements to another layer will now keep its position correctly.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Design
Fixed that BadgeMaker demo license information was not displayed correctly.

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Release BadgeMaker 2.6.5

Release BadgeMaker v2.6.5

ScreenCheck would like to inform you about the BadgeMaker 2.6.5 release. Compared to BadgeMaker version 2.6, version 2.6.5 offers a number of bug fixes, improvements and a few small features.

Today, the 29th of April is the release date of BadgeMaker 2.6.5.

The main changes for BadgeMaker 2.6.5:
• – Added the ability to change barcode color.
• – Added the ability to change transparancy of images.
• – A few needed fixes for BadgeMaker Identity
• – A couple of improvements for Badgemaker Design
• – The new Magicard 300 & 600 are now supported.

ScreenCheck is dedicated to support you in getting the most out of our products, in sales, marketing and support. Please contact us if you have any questions about the upcoming release BadgeMaker 2.6.5.

Release BadgeMaker Design              BadgeMaker Identity


New features for BadgeMaker Identity

  • Added the ability to change barcode color.
  • Added the ability to change transparancy of images.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Identity

  • Fixed a rare problem where adding a design to a project would fail if both were located in the same folder.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to the display of an (error) message box.
  • Fixed that quick print wasn’t working for shared Zebra printers.
  • Fixed a bug where single-sided card design previews weren’t shown in a certain case.
  • Fixed that saving project settings could fail in Connect projects in certain cases.
  • Fixed that a Share connection issue could cause a client to crash.
  • Fixed Excel export issues related to certain column names.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Design

  • Added an error-check option for Interleaved 2of5 barcodes.
  • Added real-time previewing for 2D barcodes with static content.
  • Font sizes are now shown in points.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Design

  • Fixed that quick print wasn’t working for shared Zebra printers.
  • Fixed that custom barcode label fonts were not always embedded in designs.

Supported Devices & Encoding

  • Added support for the Magicard 300 & Magicard 600.
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Release BadgeMaker 2.6

Release BadgeMakerScreenCheck is happy to announce the new release of our desktop ID badge software, BadgeMaker 2.6. Next to a couple of great new features and improvements of the software, we also gave the BadgeMaker website and the License Manager a small facelift.

The main changes for the release BadgeMaker 2.6:

  • Added Brazilian Portuguese as a new language, complimenting the existing languagues
    English, Spanish, German, French, Polish and Dutch.
  • Card designs can now be added immediately when creating a BadgeMaker project,
    and quick updates can now be done via a button in the layouts panel.
  • Quick-print settings are now saved and retrieved from the user default print settings.
    This prevents confusion, and also ensures that no problems arise after a printer driver update.
  • The Magicard Ultima is now supported (although still with a few known SDK issues).
  • Expansion of automatic error reporting. Users, who have metrics disabled,
    will be asked after a crash whether (once) a report may be sent.
  • BadgeMaker Design now offers fixed-length settings for dynamic fields.
  • Text elements now have a ‘fit’ setting, which ensures that the text always fits within
    the edges of the element (by making the font size dynamically smaller).
  • In addition, it mainly concerns a number of small improvements and crash fixes.

Read the notes for the release BadgeMaker 2.6.2 below for more information

Release BadgeMaker Design              BadgeMaker Identity


• Improved error reporting.
• Clarified certain license activation errors.
• The licensing system now uses a FIPS-certified algorithm.

New features for BadgeMaker Identity
• The new-project wizards now contain a step for adding card designs.
• Card designs can now quickly be updated via the layouts panel.
• Improved error reporting.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Identity
• Webcam access denied errors now point towards the webcam privacy settings.
• Improved search filter validation.
• Quick printing now uses and updates the user’s default print settings, instead of storing them
• Columns with a default value can now be set to ‘required’ even when they contain empty values.
• The BM7 importer can now handle ISO-numeric columns.
• After a crash, BadgeMaker Identity will now ask to send a crash report, if metrics are disabled.
• The export images window no longer marks fields as invalid before they have been filled in.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Identity
• Fixed a problem with certain MySQL databases that prevented obtaining table information.
• Fixed a local data loading failure caused by incorrect handling of large decimal values.
• Fixed that double-clicking anywhere in the open-project window would open the selected project.
• Fixed that Thumbs.db files in card design folders could cause saving project configurations to fail.
• Fixed that folders open in Explorer could not be deleted.
• Fixed a Wiegand-26 incorrect parity-bit encoding problem.
• Fixed that unbound CCI fields would cause printing to fail.
• Fixed problems with the empty and duplicate value checks in the project settings window.
• Fixed a failure to remove the temporary fonts folder after printing.
• Fixed a twain capture problem caused by a previous capture process still running.
• Fixed date formatting when changing a column type from date to text.
• Fixed a font release issue caused by non-ASCII characters in font paths.
• Fixed that BadgeMaker did not disconnect gracefully from the Share server when closing.
• Fixed a crash when selecting a csv file that was already in use.
• Fixed a crash when importing certain BM7 or IDPro7 projects.
• Fixed a crash when opening a biometric capture window, caused by certain project configurations.
• Fixed a crash when trying to select a biometric image file.
• Fixed a crash when trying to crop a biometric image.
• Fixed a crash when opening or closing a project, caused by certain project configurations.
• Fixed a crash when applying after-encoding triggers failed.
• Fixed a crash when trying to open Share projects.
• Fixed a crash when trying to add a design, when certain design files are locked by other programs.
• Fixed several crashes related to data-loading failures.
• Fixed several crashes when saving or loading the project configuration.
• Fixed several crashes caused by BadgeMaker Share connection problems.
• Fixed several other crashes.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Design
• Added fixed-length settings for dynamic fields.
• Added a fit-content-to-size option for text fields, which enables dynamic font size downscaling.
• The element properties panel now displays the chosen measurement unit.
• Added a scrollbar to the element properties and card design settings panels when they’re running out
of space.
• The preview panel now displays placeholder images for biometric image and barcode elements.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Design
• After a crash, BadgeMaker Design will now ask to send a crash report, if metrics are disabled.
• Fixed a bug where dynamic fields were not automatically generated when copy/pasting elements from
other designs.
• Fixed that double-clicking anywhere in the open-design window would open the selected design.
• Fixed a crash when copying certain dynamic-logo elements.
• Fixed a crash in the open-design window.
• Fixed a crash caused by a failure to obtain printer settings.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Share
• BadgeMaker Share now detects and handles ungraceful disconnects.
Supported Devices & Encoding
• Added support for the Magicard Ultima printer.

CCI Editor (v1.4.5):
• Bugfix siteCode values will not be set to 0 when saving CCI’s

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