2. Information about Sector Data
Dynamic Data
This is information that will be added to the card by your BadgeMaker project. Similar to adding card designs, when you add a CCI file to your project, a pop-up will allow you to bind columns in your project to each of these items. You must always ensure that the data in your project corresponds with the settings you have chosen in terms of length and data type. The following data types are available.
◦ ASCII All standard ASCII characters are allowed.
◦ Numeric 0 … 9
◦ Alphabetic A … Z and a … z
◦ Alpha-numeric A … Z, a … z and 0 … 9
◦ Alphabetic and special A … Z, a … z and Punctuation marks
◦ Alpha-numeric and special A … Z, a … z, 0 … 9 and Punctuation marks
◦ Binary-coded decimal (5) 0 … 9, two digits in one byte, maximum 5 bytes
◦ Binary-coded decimal 0 … 9, two digits in one byte
◦ Binary-coded decimal date YYYYMMDD each two digits in one byte
◦ Decimal 0.00 (Fixed point)
◦ Wiegand-26 Facility and card codes with parity
◦ Hexadecimal 0123456789ABCDEF
◦ Octal 012345678
◦ Binary 01
In addition, you are able to add a description of the sector data to remind you of certain agreements.
Constant Data
Constant or Static data is data that is manually entered in the CCI file and will never change. The format of this piece of information can be of any of the types mentioned in the Dynamic Data section.
Empty Space
This item can be used to indicate a specific part of a sector that will never be used.
Card serial number
This is a 10, 7 or 4-byte, data section which will automatically contain the card serialnumber when the card is being encoded.
Using these options, you can create any type of CCI file. Once completed, you are able to save your work in either an unencrypted file (XML) or an encrypted CCI file. If you choose the latter option, you will be required to enter a password that will also be required when adding the CCI file to your BadgeMaker Identity project.