Update Release BadgeMaker 2.11.5


BadgeMaker version 2.11.5, the latest update of our card personalization software. This update has a primary focus on extending compatibility and ensuring that your card production process continues to be smooth and more efficient.

1. Mifare Plus Support for Elatec TWN4 Card Readers: This update supports Mifare Plus, specifically tailored for Elatec TWN4 card readers. This addition enhances the flexibility and functionality of BadgeMaker, ensuring more compatibility in card reading.

To take advantage of this new feature, we recommend updating your BadgeMaker software to version 2.11.5. You can do this by visiting our Download Page, where you’ll find the latest version.

ScreenCheck is committed to supporting you in getting the most out of our products. Please contact us if you have any questions about this release.


Features* Added Mifare Plus Support for Elatec TWN4 Card Readers


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Update Release BadgeMaker 2.11.4


The release of BadgeMaker version 2.11.4, a small update that resolves several issues to enhance your experience with our software. Here’s what you can expect from this release:

License Key Reactivation: We’ve fixed an issue where previously deactivated license keys could not be reactivated. Now, you can easily manage and reactivate your license keys as needed, providing greater flexibility for your operations.

Barcode Element Printing: In certain cases, placing a card serial number in a barcode element would lead to printing failures. We’ve addressed this issue to ensure that your card printing processes run smoothly.

Magicard Printer Compatibility: Printing with specific Magicard printers encountered challenges, either due to accidental 32-bit child-process execution or communication issues. This update resolves these problems, ensuring seamless printing with Magicard printers.

MS SQL Server Table Discovery: We fixed an issue related to the discovery of MS SQL Server tables, which previously failed due to a schema and tablename mix-up.

We recommend all BadgeMaker users to update to version 2.11.4 to benefit from these fixes and improvements.

ScreenCheck is committed to supporting you in getting the most out of our products. Please contact us if you have any questions about this release.


Fixes* Fixed that a previously deactivated license key could not be reactivated.
* Fixed that putting a card serial number in a barcode element would cause printing to fail in certain cases.
* Fixed an issue where printing with certain Magicard printers would fail due to a child-process accidentally running in 32-bit, or due to communication issues.
* Fixed an issue where discovering MS SQL Server tables would fail due to a schema and tablename mix-up.

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