Release BadgeMaker 2.6

Release BadgeMakerScreenCheck is happy to announce the new release of our desktop ID badge software, BadgeMaker 2.6. Next to a couple of great new features and improvements of the software, we also gave the BadgeMaker website and the License Manager a small facelift.

The main changes for the release BadgeMaker 2.6:

  • Added Brazilian Portuguese as a new language, complimenting the existing languagues
    English, Spanish, German, French, Polish and Dutch.
  • Card designs can now be added immediately when creating a BadgeMaker project,
    and quick updates can now be done via a button in the layouts panel.
  • Quick-print settings are now saved and retrieved from the user default print settings.
    This prevents confusion, and also ensures that no problems arise after a printer driver update.
  • The Magicard Ultima is now supported (although still with a few known SDK issues).
  • Expansion of automatic error reporting. Users, who have metrics disabled,
    will be asked after a crash whether (once) a report may be sent.
  • BadgeMaker Design now offers fixed-length settings for dynamic fields.
  • Text elements now have a ‘fit’ setting, which ensures that the text always fits within
    the edges of the element (by making the font size dynamically smaller).
  • In addition, it mainly concerns a number of small improvements and crash fixes.

Read the notes for the release BadgeMaker 2.6.2 below for more information

Release BadgeMaker Design              BadgeMaker Identity


• Improved error reporting.
• Clarified certain license activation errors.
• The licensing system now uses a FIPS-certified algorithm.

New features for BadgeMaker Identity
• The new-project wizards now contain a step for adding card designs.
• Card designs can now quickly be updated via the layouts panel.
• Improved error reporting.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Identity
• Webcam access denied errors now point towards the webcam privacy settings.
• Improved search filter validation.
• Quick printing now uses and updates the user’s default print settings, instead of storing them
• Columns with a default value can now be set to ‘required’ even when they contain empty values.
• The BM7 importer can now handle ISO-numeric columns.
• After a crash, BadgeMaker Identity will now ask to send a crash report, if metrics are disabled.
• The export images window no longer marks fields as invalid before they have been filled in.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Identity
• Fixed a problem with certain MySQL databases that prevented obtaining table information.
• Fixed a local data loading failure caused by incorrect handling of large decimal values.
• Fixed that double-clicking anywhere in the open-project window would open the selected project.
• Fixed that Thumbs.db files in card design folders could cause saving project configurations to fail.
• Fixed that folders open in Explorer could not be deleted.
• Fixed a Wiegand-26 incorrect parity-bit encoding problem.
• Fixed that unbound CCI fields would cause printing to fail.
• Fixed problems with the empty and duplicate value checks in the project settings window.
• Fixed a failure to remove the temporary fonts folder after printing.
• Fixed a twain capture problem caused by a previous capture process still running.
• Fixed date formatting when changing a column type from date to text.
• Fixed a font release issue caused by non-ASCII characters in font paths.
• Fixed that BadgeMaker did not disconnect gracefully from the Share server when closing.
• Fixed a crash when selecting a csv file that was already in use.
• Fixed a crash when importing certain BM7 or IDPro7 projects.
• Fixed a crash when opening a biometric capture window, caused by certain project configurations.
• Fixed a crash when trying to select a biometric image file.
• Fixed a crash when trying to crop a biometric image.
• Fixed a crash when opening or closing a project, caused by certain project configurations.
• Fixed a crash when applying after-encoding triggers failed.
• Fixed a crash when trying to open Share projects.
• Fixed a crash when trying to add a design, when certain design files are locked by other programs.
• Fixed several crashes related to data-loading failures.
• Fixed several crashes when saving or loading the project configuration.
• Fixed several crashes caused by BadgeMaker Share connection problems.
• Fixed several other crashes.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Design
• Added fixed-length settings for dynamic fields.
• Added a fit-content-to-size option for text fields, which enables dynamic font size downscaling.
• The element properties panel now displays the chosen measurement unit.
• Added a scrollbar to the element properties and card design settings panels when they’re running out
of space.
• The preview panel now displays placeholder images for biometric image and barcode elements.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Design
• After a crash, BadgeMaker Design will now ask to send a crash report, if metrics are disabled.
• Fixed a bug where dynamic fields were not automatically generated when copy/pasting elements from
other designs.
• Fixed that double-clicking anywhere in the open-design window would open the selected design.
• Fixed a crash when copying certain dynamic-logo elements.
• Fixed a crash in the open-design window.
• Fixed a crash caused by a failure to obtain printer settings.

Improvements for BadgeMaker Share
• BadgeMaker Share now detects and handles ungraceful disconnects.
Supported Devices & Encoding
• Added support for the Magicard Ultima printer.

CCI Editor (v1.4.5):
• Bugfix siteCode values will not be set to 0 when saving CCI’s

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BadgeMaker release 2.5
– All about improvements

BadgeMaker 2.5 is all about improvements that make your experience even better. Improvement of the user experience for example, such as automatically opening your most recent project or being able to define specialty layers in your card designs. Because of the new BadgeMaker improvement program and the feedback we receive from our partners and customers, BadgeMaker is set to improve with every new update.


  • – Added support of a wide range of card printers like the new Zebra ZC300 and ZC350 card printers and the new Magicard RioPro 360.
  • – Usability improvementsBadgeMaker 2.5.2 All about improvements
  • – Define specialty layers in your card designs
  • – Small fixes integrated
  • FREE BadgeMaker PLAY
  • – Upgrade pop-ups for BadgeMaker PLAY & START
  • – Easy upgrade to START, BASE, PRO & Add-Ons
  • – Direct payment with the BadgeMaker Upgrade Page


BadgeMaker release notes version 2.5.2:

BadgeMaker Identity now requires .NET Framework 4.7
Ported BadgeMaker Design from Silverlight to WPF (.NET Framework 4.7)

Improvements for BadgeMaker Identity

Improved project list display and ordering.
Improved feedback when an Excel file can’t be read
Improved project configuration saving error reporting
The grid and gallery views now automatically bring selected records into view
The last opened project is opened automatically upon the next start (if it was left open)
The last used csv delimiter & quote characters are remembered
License proxy settings are now stored in encrypted form
Added a search option for the external database table list, for Connect project configurations
Added a configuration option for not automatically opening the print progress window

Fixes for BadgeMaker Identity

Fixed that the detail view header displayed time components for dates
Fixed empty language and date format settings in the configuration window
Fixed Mifare Classic encoding issue with Omnikey 5022/5122/5127 cardreaders
Fixed Desfire encoding failure for specific configurations
Fixed a select-all bug that affected users with a Polish keyboard
Fixed a crash when failing to save telemetry consent
Fixed a crash due to duplicate card design value mappings
Fixed a rare crash when updating biometric image for record
Fixed a rare crash when modifying a record via the detail view
Fixed an issue related to Share licenses
Fixed an issue with pasting license keys
Fixed card preview rendering issues on Windows machines with display scaling enabled
Fixed maximize and restore window behavior not taking display scaling into account
Fixed a crash caused by invalid 2D barcode input
Fixed several bugs with Excel file import

Improvements for BadgeMaker Design

Added (optional) telemetry for automated crash reporting
Added support for designs with special layers (UV, metallic, pearlescent, holographic, etc.) and protective layers (overlay, laminate, topcoat)
Added support for pixel interpolation modes for images
Improved the color picker library (colors are now stored)
Improved design view interaction: mousewheel zooming and right-mouse button panning
Added snapping to card and element boundries (hold control while moving or resizing an element to enable snapping)
The preview panel now shows previews for the currently selected layer type.
Zoom level is now applied by pressing enter.
Elements can now be dragged between the front and back view.
Improved barcode conversion for the design importers.
Improved barcode rendering in design view.
Improved 2D barcode rendering in design view.
Improved card design list ordering.
Dynamic fields are now highlighted in the element properties panel.

Fixes for BadgeMaker Design

Fixed an issue with pasting license keys.
Fixed card preview rendering issues on Windows machines with display scaling enabled.
Fixed maximize and restore window behavior not taking display scaling into account.
Fixed incorrect UPC-E length validation.
Fixed several card design project list ordering issues.

Supported Devices & Encoding

Added support for Zebra ZC300 and ZC350 card printers
Added support for the Rio Pro 360 card printers
Added support for Infineon Mifare Classic cards
Added support for Desfire key diversification and randomizing Desfire card IDs
Added support for custom padding and fallback values for encoding

CCI Editor (v1.4.2):

Added support for Desfire key diversification
Added support for Desfire UID randomization and disallowing card formatting
Added support for date fields
Added undo/redo menu buttons
More control over Desfire overwrite behavior
Padding byte values can now be adjusted
Dynamic fields can now have a fallback value, which will be used if the dynamic data is empty
CPM ‘plugin’ data is no longer removed when saving a CCI
Fixed that some Desfire ISO file IDs were incorrectly displayed as invalid

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Share Summer Special

This month BadgeMaker Share Summer Special with a chance to win and special offers!

Happy to introduce the new BadgeMaker Share Add-On at the beginning of this year. To put the new Share Add-On into the sunlight we offer a Share Summer Special this month. Follow us to be up to date with our special. Get the chance to win and see our other offers.

To kick-off this summer month we will put out special “Share for a Share” messages, when you share the message you get the chance to win a BadgeMaker with a Badgemaker Share Add-On.

The Share Add-On permits users to share BadgeMaker projects on multiple workstations and work simultaneously at different locations on the same project. Users authenticate with a username and password creating a secure work environment with the Share Add-On. Each user account has specific user access rights.

Register here to try out BadgeMaker 2.0 for free!

Work together on the same project at the same time!

BadgeMaker Share Overview

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What’s new this month?

Free Trial BadgeMaker 2.0
BadgeMaker 2.0.16 lets you view, import, manage, connect, encode and now also share your BadgeMaker projects. With the BadgeMaker Share Add-On projects are made available for collaborating securely across your organisation.
ScreenCheck is pleased to announce several updates that help with some of the most common card production tasks, including automatic card design assignment using external columns, migration updates so old projects like IDPro 7 and BadgeMaker “Classic” can be imported into BadgeMaker 2.0, print improvements for supported card printers like Magicard and an update in the filter and search feature.

Try out the new update
Try out these new features and see how they can help you do more with BadgeMaker! Do you have ideas on other features and improvements that you’d like to see in BadgeMaker? Contact us and let us know what you think!

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