Release BadgeMaker 2.11

BadgeMaker 2.11 biedt een nieuwe functie en een aantal verbeteringen om uw kaartontwerp en beheerervaring te verbeteren. Bij het aanmaken van een nieuwe record in BadgeMaker Identity is het nu mogelijk om direct een kaartontwerp te selecteren en te koppelen. Zo gaat het inschrijvingsproces van een nieuwe kaarthouder wat sneller.
De 2.11-release bevat ook verbeteringen aan de handtekeningtool, er is een beeldverwerkingsmodus toegevoegd voor de achtergrond van handtekeningafbeeldingen die wit als transparant behandelt, het installatieprogramma en de externe database wachtwoorden worden nu in gecodeerde vorm opgeslagen.
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BadgeMaker Identity:
New features * Added the ability to select a card-design when creating a new record manually.Improvements
* Installation type (all users versus single user) can now be chosen explicitly. * Uninstalling will now automatically remove the current license key, freeing up a slot for another machine. * External database passwords will now be stored in encrypted form. * Updated the file/folder selection dialogs in the data source and image source configuration views. * Added support for the ‘utf8mb3’ MySQL character set.Fixes
* Fixed that the example projects were overwritten when installing an update. * Fixed that running with admin rights would create log files that could not be written to when running without admin rights. * Fixed that MS SQL Server tables in non-default schemas could not be used. * Fixed that filtering on TEXT/NTEXT columns in MS SQL Server databases would fail. * Fixed an issue where record data would not be loaded after reopening a project. * Fixed that quick-updating a card design would ignore 2D barcode encryption key changes. * Fixed that 2D barcode encryption key IDs were not used as expected. * Fixed that switching to the designer and the store didn’t work for single-user installations. * Fixed that uninstalling would fail without an activated license key. * Fixed a regression in the add-record window. * Fixed that the UHF reader slot wasn’t available if the normal card-reader check failed. * Fixed that switching to the designer and the store didn’t work for single-user installations. BadgeMaker Design: New features * Added an image processing mode for signature images that treats white as transparent. Improvements * Installation type (all users versus single user) can now be chosen explicitly. * Uninstalling will now automatically remove the current license key, freeing up a slot for another machine. Fixes * Fixed that the example designs were overwritten when installing an update. * Fixed that running with admin rights would create log files that could not be written to when running without admin rights. * Fixed that switching to the designer and the store didn’t work for single-user installations. * Fixed that uninstalling would fail without an activated license key.